I applied online for the job a while back and had forgotten about it until I received an email inviting me to the assessment day in 2 weeks time, the first thing I did was buy a new outfit! (See image below)
Assessment Day
The assessment day began at 9am yet I got there at 8:15 and there were already around 10 other girls there, most of which got through to the final interview so do make sure you are super early! By 8:55, there were around 80 girls. At 9am we were called into the assessment room, we each received a sticker with our name and a number on and sat to watch a video on ''life as cabin crew and another on 'life in Dubai' (both are on YouTube). Next, we were told a little more about the day, including that there was no competition for jobs, everyone suitable would be hired and that it was a requirement that you had to pass the reach test. We were then given a 10-minute break whilst the room was rearranged and were aloud to practice the reach test. Being 5''8' this was not a problem for me but anyone under 5''5' should practice at home first, you can stand on the very tips of your toes but must get at least your fingertips above the line.
We were then split into two groups; the first group completed the task whilst the other waited outside. In this first task, we sat in a circle, in groups of three we were given a card with an image on it and had to think of an unconventional use for the item. My group’s item was a sombrero and my idea was to turn it into a ball game using the upside down hat as a target. Other images included an umbrella, a bucket, a starfish etc. most people used the item for decoration, a game or pulled it appart and turned it into clothing. We then presented our idea to the group. During this time, we each went up one by one to complete the reach test. If you could not reach the line, you were sent home.
After this task we waited outside the room till she (the assessor) called us back, we were each given a white piece of paper (see below) with our number on saying whether we had passed the task or not. From our group of 40 only around 10 passed. It was extremely tense and many girls cried.
The next task was more intense, we were given a scenario in which we were a hotel manager, we had 2 available rooms but 8 guests who had pre-booked. We had to decide as a group, which 2 people to allocate the room to, we had 15 minutes to conclude. She then asked whom we were giving the first room to, (DO NOT VOLUNTEER TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION) she challenged whoever answered the question and grilled that person for 5 minutes as to why they could not have been sent somewhere else. There is no right or wrong answer you just need to have an answer (a positive one). She then asked who the second person was, then to everyone else she pretended to be a customer who did not get a room and we had to explain the situation and find a solution.
I felt quite confident at this point, as I knew there was no right or wrong answer and it was a test of your customer service skills, so being polite, empathetic and helpful. I explained the situation and came up with the solution that a taxi would take the customer to a 'sister' hotel, which was 10 minutes away then bring them back the next day once a room became available.
After this task, we once again waited outside the room until she called us in to give us another piece of paper, out of our group only 3 girls were sent home. We were then called back into the room for a debrief about the final interview which the remaining 15 of us were invited to. We were given an application form to fill in which contains instructions and requirements for attending the final interview. One of these requirements was to complete an online personality test. This test is super easy; it has statements, which you rate according to your personality, such as 'I am confident'.
Top Tips
Arrive early
Come dressed the part.
Expect to be there until 6pm (I was there until 3pm)
Make many friends
Be confident, all girls who looked nervous and were looking around the room were sent home
Be yourself
P.S you are only required to do the English test if you do not have a GCSE in English!!
Final Interview
For the final interview I had to bring certain documents with me including formal and casual pictures of myself, evidence of my education etc. She (the assessor) checked through all this before we began the interview. I had brought everything I needed but if you don't you can email it to them later.
WARNING my interview (in my oppinion) went terriable! I had researched questions online and was super prepared to talk about my strengths and weeknesses, times I was challenged in work ect. but just before she began the interview she informed me the interview style recently changed, so less questions are asked than before and all the questions are new questions. She instructed me to answer the questions specificaly relating to a time, which I found increadably difficult as she cut me off if I began my answer with 'I always' even if it was to give a bit of background to my answer.
The questions
1. Tell me a time where you have broken or bent the rules at work to suit a coustomer (you are NOT alowed to say you haven't)
2. Tell me a time when you were sensative towards another coulture
3. Tell me a time when you had to adjust to a new environment (this question is aimed at how you would adapt to living in Dubai)
4. Tell me a time you had to ask someone for help profesionaly (they word this question very strangely)
5. Tell me why you want to be cabin crew
6. Tell me a time you had to be carefull on the actions you were taking in work (such as filling in paperwork)
7. Tell me a time when you failed profesionaly
These are the majoraty of the questions, there may be one or two others I have forgotten about
Thinking back to my answers they were quite good but it took me a long time and many unacceptable answers before I said one she could write down. After the questions, she asked if I had any questions for her, I asked about living in Dubai and where she goes on holiday, as she was previously cabin crew for 10 years. Once I left, she wrote up all her notes, which I imagine were about appearance, punctuality, how clear your speech was etc. These notes along with my documents were then to be sent to London to be approved before being sent to Dubai to be assessed by 15 members of the recruitment board who all have to agree with the assessors decision in hiring you or not. During this process, she forewarned me that I might be asked to send additional documents such as more pictures. This process is estimated to take between 2-9 weeks and once a decision is made, I will be contacted to know whether I am offered the job or not.
If you are declined you receive an email and if you are accepted they call you from Dubai to congratulate you and tell you about the additional information you need to provide before you can be flown to Dubai (such as medical checks).
My interview was 4 days ago, so I still have a long time to wait until I know if I have the job or not. Good luck to anyone who receives an interview with the Emirates, although I feel I performed poorly in my final interview, I am glad I have had the opportunity and now know how to professionally answer the question about bending rules in work!!
See you on the moon!!
Tasha Alice